The relationship between reef fish with habitat structure at Yao islands, Phang Nga Province.

Ason Meenapha


The relationships between reef fish and their habitat were investigated at Yao islands, Phang Nga Province.?? The aims of this study were to illustrated the diversity of coral reef fish and their relationships with habitat structure.?? The samples were collected on five stations around Yao islands. The data of reef fishes was corrected by Video Census while habitat data using Photo Belt Transect.?? Five replicates of 30 meters long transect were randomly laid on the reef slope of each station. For habitat data, 0.5x0.5 m.2 quadrat was allocated along the transect.?? The were 93 species of reef fish from 23 families were recorded. ??Pomacentridae (25 species) was a dominant reef fish family at Yao islands followed by Labridae (20 species).?? The twin demoiselle (Neopomacentrus sororius) was a predominant species of Yao islands. For the reef habitat, Merulinidae and Acroporidae were the most dominant corals family. In term of area cover,??Galaxea astreata??had the highest coverage of coral species. The relationship between reef fishes and their habitat, species richness of fishes was positive correlated with dead coral cover (r2??= 0.98, P < 0.05) and species richness of coral (r2??= 0.9, P < 0.05). The geographic position and turbidity were the most influence factors those structuring the reef habitats and their associate reef fishes.

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