Stop Motion Animation Short Film: the Spread of COVID-19 virus Prevention

phairoj samutrak, Tippawan Sae-Ung, Chalit Kangvaravoot


The research on stop motion animation short film : the spread of covid-19 virus prevention, the objectives of the study were 1) how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 2) to realize the prevention of COVID-19 people have more self-protective behaviors; Especially wearing a hygienic mask every time when going to the community, regularly washing your hands with soap or alcohol gel and keeping a distance of at least two meters. Avoid bringing your hands to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Moreover, the prohibit share personal items with others (such as handkerchiefs, glasses, towels) due to pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract and breathing can enter the body through contact with the secretions of an infected person. Should be eating hot cooked food. The awareness of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is of great importance, in order to study the knowledge of protection and prevent possibly spreading COVID-19. The media that can enhance learning and remembering in the form of digital online media will help to understand. It is part of stopping the spread of the virus and explaining the prevention of the spread of the epidemic.

A samples of 50 people aged 16 to 21 years, using simple random sampling method. The mean and the standard deviation data were used for data analysis and the evaluation from 3 experts. A quality assessment and performance evaluation of our media were a good level. The findings indicated that, learned how to make a stop motion animation film with the interesting process. The equipment preparation various settings in production which will have many limitations, learning from the beginning process until the completed of the process.??It will be the experience and can be accumulated for animated films jobs.

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