A Comparative Study of Online vs. Onsite Training for Scrum Using Gamification



Since the World Health Organization announced the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in 2020, 77 countries have reported cases of COVID-19. Various organization have demonstrated the ability to reduce the COVID-19 virus transmission. In response, many software industries have transformed to having people work online. It was a big adaptation for the workers. Scrum is an agile project management framework which is widely used in many organizations.?? Use of online Scrum tools is increasing rapidly nowadays. For education, the Scrum approach was adopted for Software Engineering students to learn the current way of developing software projects. This research aims to compare the effectiveness of learning to develop software utilizing a Scrum framework by comparing between online and onsite groups of students. Gamification, which is the application of game elements in a non-game context, was adopted to enable this learning. Game components are used to increase team motivation and change behavior. Six research questions were produced to compare the difference between learning Scrum utilizing gamification online and onsite. The first four questions compare the differences between online and onsite students??? opinions toward using the agile framework, based on four key values of the agile manifesto. The online group responded to change better than the onsite group, whereas there was no significant difference in the other three values. The fifth question examined negative Scrum activities. The result showed that the Velocity chart was the most difficult technique to understand. The fun game aspects were evaluated in the last question. The results show that for both online and onsite participants, the ???Leader board?? was the students??? favorite fun game element.

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