Chaplygin Gas with Power-Law Dark Energy

Phongsaphat Rangdee


Our universe is under the accelerating expansion phase. Many models have been proposed to explain this behavior. Among these models, the power-law and Chaplygin gas are two of the most interesting models. We studied the Chaplygin gas in the scenario of canonical power-law (CGP model) and phantom power-law (CGPP model). In these two models, the deceleration parameter (q0), the power-law exponents and the equation of state parameter (w0) at present are calculated. In this calculation, we used two observational data coming from WMAP9 (WMAP9+eCMB+BAO+H0) and PLANCK satellite reported in 2018 (TT,TE,EE+ lowE+Lensings+BAO). The results shown that the CGP model does not correspond to accelerating expansion conditions. In the CGPP model, the results shown that the CGPP model is correspond to accelerating expansion conditions. Finally, the values of the equation of state parameter coming from both CGP and CGPP models are the same and match all observational data under certain conditions.

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