Efficacy of Chaetomium globosum as biological control agents for controlling leaf blight of corn

Orawan Piyaboon


Leaf blight is one of major problems in the quality and quantity of corn production in Thailand. Nowadays, biological control is used in controlling plant diseases, especially using Chaetomium globosum which is the fungus reported to be a potential antagonist of various plant pathogens. This research aimed to identify the species of fungal pathogen caused leaf blight of corn, and evaluate the efficiency of C. globosum for controlling fungal corn leaf blight. The results showed that Bipolaris maydis was isolated from baby corn leaf blight samples using tissue transplanting method, and morphological characteristics and molecular data derived from sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA. The effectiveness of C. globosum was evaluated for the inhibition of B. maydis under laboratory and greenhouse condition. The results indicated efficacy of C. globosum for controlling B. maydis caused by Southern corn leaf blight.

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