Phytochemical screening and Antioxidant activity of Unripe Banana flour

Panatda Jannoey




This study was to screen the phytochemical as well as total phenolic compound (TPC) and antioxidant capacity of unripe banana flour obtained from fruit. The cultivated cultivars (Musa abb cv. Kluai ???namwa??) flour was process by sliced banana fruit was dried at 50 oC and milled into the flour at 200 mesh of particle size. The total composition profile using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry electrospray ion (LC-MS-ESI) while the antioxidant capacity using ABTS and DPPH scavenging activity methods. The results of LC-MS-ESI reveal the presence of compounds base on different solvent extraction. Sugar (glucose and sucrose) and organic acid (citric acid, malic acid, lactic acid, succinic acid) were a generally component of unripe banana flour in all extractant.?? The methanolic and ethanolic extract were found the phenolic compounds such as gallic acid, glutaric acid, 2-hydroxyvaleric acid, protocatechuic acid, 1,4-Ipomeadiol with strong antioxidant activity.?? Hexane extraction was found the short chain hydrocarbon and fatty acid and its derivative including caproic acid, 1-(2-Thienyl)-1-heptanone, 2-tetradecanone, azacridone A , 5-aminopentanoic acid, piperine and phytosphingosine. Gluconic acid, succinic acid, 3-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconic acid, trans, cis-aconitic acid and dibutyl succinic acid which were a major compounds also found in banana flour extracted with water.

???????????????????????????? The TPC content of methanolic and ethanolic extract was 19.67 and 20.13 mg GAE/g DW, while distillated water and hexane do not exhibit the TPC value. The phenolic content of methanolic and ethanolic extract confer to the antioxidant capacity of both extractant. The methanolic and ethanolic extract were greater antioxidant capacity than the hexane and distillated water.?? The IC50 value was found at?? 5.46 mg/ml and 2.54 mg/ml by DPPH assay, while the ABTS assay examined the IC50 at?? 6.45 mg/ml and 5.97 mg/ml of?? methanolic and ethanolic extract, respectively. The chemical composition and their antioxidant activity of unripe banana flour provide the valuable data to apply in healthy food products.????

Keywords: Banana, flour, bioactive compounds, antioxidant, LC-MS

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