Ontology-based semantic search development on Lanna King History using Buddhist temple and related documents

Pongkorn Chantaraj, Jaratsri Rungrattanaubol, Anamai Na-udom


Historical information is important to explain the story of what has happened in the past. Studying history helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. The objective of this study has presented the methodology for developing a knowledge base of historical Lanna in aspect king history in Buddhist temple and related documents by using ontology techniques and developing its application as a semantic search system. Ontology technique helps identify key concepts and relationships among the concepts in the domain knowledge. It represented the relationship between king, temple, historical site, and year. The process of research started with collecting temple data located in the upper northern part of Thailand from the National Office of Buddhism, the Fine Arts Department and Temples Information Center and creating a database to systematically storing them. In addition to previous research, we also use the results from the historical relation extraction consisting of relationships of Lanna king and Buddhist temples. The design and development ontology use the Hozo ontology editor tool. The result is the Lanna Historical Ontology consisting of 8 major classes. The ontology transformed into OWL, then import to OAM program for mapping to database and creating the semantic search application for historical Lanna kingdom. From the experiment, we used the queries of 18 items from four sections and the result was evaluated by three history experts. The results indicated the semantic search and ontology will improve the precision of knowledge retrieval and presenting the relationships related to the Lanna kingdom history.

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