Effect of Nd2O3 adding on electrical properties of bismuth sodium titanate ceramics

Wim Nhuapeng, Wandee Thamjaree, Supreya Kumfu, Haruthai Longkullabutra, Tawee Tunkasiri


This research, fabrication and effect of neodymium oxide (Nd2O3) adding onelectrical properties of bismuth sodium titanate (BNT) ceramics were studied. The samplepowder, BNT/x Nd2O3 (x = 4, 8 and 12 wt %) was prepared via mixed oxide method fromBNT and Nd2O3 starting powders. The starting powder were mixed by using zirconiagrinding media in ethanol for 24 h and dried by an oven. The mixture powder was calcined attemperature of 800 ??C and was then pressed and sintered at the temperature of 1075 ??C.Phase formation of samples was examined by XRD technique. Moreover, the physical andelectrical properties and microstructure of samples were determined. From the results, it wasfound that electrical properties of BNT ceramics can be improved by adding Nd2O3.Furthermore, grain size of BNT ceramics are decreasing with increasing of Nd2O3 quantity.

Keywords: BNT, Nd2O3, Electrical Properties.

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